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Dubai rent issues: 'Smart Judge' to give verdict within seconds

The verdict if you file a case for rent dispute, or to know if your landlord is allowed to hike rent in Dubai, will be given in mere seconds.

The “Smart Judge” is a new application launched by Dubai Land Department, which gives various scenarios with the user having to select the right options to get a virtual verdict.

The app has been released at the Dubai International Government Achievements Exhibition (DIGAE 2016).

For example, a user (tenant), who seeks to know if the landlord is entitled to hike the rent, and whether it can be challenged, will be given different scenarios, as per the law of the land. The user has to select the correct option to get the virtual judgement.

The options in such cases will be if a 90-day notice has been served or not; if the notice has been issued by notary or not; etc. Be clear that the “virtual” judgement will depend on the options selected.

The judgement will be given in Arabic.

Dubai already has a rent index calculator in place, which gives the renter/ landlord the information on the permissible amount of increase. The index is now being updated once a year as against three times a year earlier.

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